Tuesday, 1st April 2025
me along to Atherington Pavilion on Tuesday mornings for a cup of tea or a mug of freshly brewed coffee and some bakes treats.
The Post Office provides a range of counter services provided by a mobile unit between 9:00 - 11:00.
We also sell Fresh baked bread to order and Free range eggs.
If you would like to pre order bread and/or other bakery products then please phone or text the Pavilion Bread Phone on 07763 876673 by 12 noon on a Monday.
The eggs are ordered on Mondays, so if you want more than ½ a dozen then please phone or text the Pavilion Bread Phone on 07763 876673 by 12 noon on a Monday.
For more information please email contactus@atheringtonpavilion.org
r all other enquiries Contact Angela on 07950 490897.
For volunteer enquiries to help in Café contact Jill on 01769 560096
The Post Office provides a range of counter services provided by a mobile unit between 9:00 - 11:00.